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Advocating for travel, the importance of destination organizations and their work in their local communities 

2024 French Tourism Lexicon English version

Used to effectively articulate the value of destination promotion.


Destination promotion acts as a catalyst for broader economic development.

catalyst brief

This industry brief defines a 21st-century destination organization.

Community Vitality Wheel

This graphic illustrates the work of the destination organization.

In an era of declining public support and increased need for transparency, it is more essential than ever for destination organizations to make an emotional and value-based appeal, supporting their message of ROI with the case for how their organization supports the people of the community with new opportunities for work, economic development and public services. 

Our advocacy team has put together resources to help destinations pivot their stakeholder messaging to one centered around the organization's true customer: the resident. Take a look at videos, case studies, lexicons and more information that will help you communicate the value of your organization to your entire community.

Advocacy Resources

Destinations International is the collective voice of destination organizations, empowering destinations on issues big and small. We strive to be champions for our members and recognize the importance of keeping our members abreast of the challenges and opportunities presenting themselves in the marketplace. DI educates, equips, and empowers its members to advocate on behalf of their destination organizations and their destination communities.

Community Shared Value

Become a community asset focused on your residents as your primary customers.

Tourism Lexicon

Words matter in politics, and they need to be chosen carefully to carry an emotional connection to people's values and the values of our industry.

DI Blog

DI staff and collaborators share perspectives on timely topics in advocacy.

Resident Sentiment Study

This research provides destinations with a unique opportunity to create a well-informed engagement strategy with local residents on the subject of tourism in their communities.

Travel Bans & Boycotts

Disputes over social legislation have given fuel to some positioning travel as a political act. Where an individual or organization decides to travel or host a future meeting can be a sign of direct support (or critique) of state-based policies. Our resources provide messaging, materials and alternatives that help destinations and meeting planners deal with a travel ban or boycott proactively. 

Resources for Canadian Destinations

Destinations International is proud to provide a variety of Canada-specific resources for our 70+ Canadian destination organization members. Our hope is to provide you the resources and guidance on key industry issues including advocacy, policy and marketing in order to help you serve your destinations.

Advocacy Committee

The Advocacy Committee shall recommend partnerships, best practices and resources to communicate the value and impact of destination organizations to their leadership, stakeholders and community.

Canadian Destination Leadership Council

Destinations International’s Canadian Destination Leadership Council is comprised of destination organization executives from across Canada. The Council provides a forum for Canadian destination organization executives to meet regularly throughout the year to coordinate on key industry issues including advocacy, resourcing, policy, and marketing.

Destination Effect

The fabric of every community is woven with unique stories, cultures, and experiences that are waiting to be discovered by residents and visitors alike. At the heart of this discovery is the vital work of destination organizations. Their purpose is not only to attract visitors but also to cultivate an environment in which a community thrives as an ideal place to visit, live, work, play, and invest. And they do it for the betterment of the community.
