Resident Sentiment Study

Longwoods International’s Resident Sentiment research looks at public perceptions from all sides, including the positives and negatives of economic development, environmental impacts, over-tourism, quality of life and other areas. This type of research provides destinations with a unique opportunity to create a well-informed engagement strategy with local residents on the subject of tourism in their communities. By understanding where public opinion lies from both positive and negative perspectives, destinations can work more effectively with local partners to increase support for tourism development efforts.

Andreas Weissenborn

Vice President of Research and Advocacy
Destinations International

Andreas Weissenborn’s career in tourism began with an internship at Visit Baltimore, sparking a lasting passion for the industry. He spent nearly 11 years at Visit Baltimore, focusing on Research, Technology, and Information Systems. In 2017, he joined Destinations International Foundation to support research and advocacy initiatives. His responsibilities include advancing community shared value, the tourism lexicon, the event impact calculator, and other key reporting platforms, reinforcing the belief in destination promotion as a common good for the greater good.

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