Destination Assessments and Planning (DNEXT)

The vision of DestinationNEXT is to provide destination organizations with practical actions and strategies for sustainable success in a dramatically changing world.

In 2015, Skift proclaimed DestinationNEXT “The New Way for Tourism Bureaus to Measure Their Effectiveness.” Since then more than 330 destinations from 18 counties have utilized DestinationNEXT to strategically assess their destinations.

For the DestinationNEXT roadmap to be effective, destination organizations need a place to start. To solve for this, Destinations International developed three tools to help destinations assess their situation and prepare for the future.

Gabriel Seder

Vice President of Global Development
Destinations International

Gabriel is a tourism marketing and destination development professional with more than 10 years of experience consulting for emerging and established destinations and tourism businesses around the world. He has supported city, regional, and national destination organizations to create and implement tourism strategies and master plans, develop and roll out national tourism brands, and implement international multi-channel marketing campaigns. He has worked in more than 15 countries and destinations across the United States.  

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