Tourism Lexicon

Tourism Lexicon

The Tourism Lexicon is a curated vocabulary resource destination organizations should use to effectively articulate their work and the value of destination promotion. Destinations International (DI) updates the Tourism Lexicon annually, reflecting how politicians discussed common or public goods in the preceding year. This analysis informs the ranking and ordering of terms, revealing emerging themes and values crucial for destination organizations to understand and leverage.

Tourism Lexicon

Words matter in politics, and they need to be chosen carefully to carry an emotional connection to people’s values and the values of our industry

Destinations International has made the case that relying merely on ROI numbers to defend the value and relevancy of a destination organization was no longer a viable advocacy strategy. Instead, we argued, destination organizations need to support the message of ROI in terms of dollars and cents with an emotional and value-based appeal to convince political leaders and community stakeholders that without a destination organization, these returns will inevitably vanish.

About the Lexicon

Read the Policy Brief

Learn about how destinations can use language to frame the conversation about how destination organizations are a critical community benefit.

Policy Brief

International Lexicons

Our advocacy team has developed different versions of the lexicon based on analysis of local political and media databases.

Andreas Weissenborn

Vice President of Research and Advocacy
Destinations International

Introduced to the world of destination organizations by a random internship application to Visit Baltimore (then known as Baltimore Area Convention & Visitors Association), Andreas Weissenborn began an unexpected career into hospitality that left him with a continued passion towards the tourism industry.

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