Paul Nursey
Paul Nursey is a highly accomplished tourism marketing, strategy, and branding expert who is widely regarded as one of Canada's top tourism policy minds. Since joining Destination Greater Victoria in 2014, Paul has led DGV to numerous significant accomplishments, including:
* Negotiating a new funding relationship with local hoteliers, the City of Victoria, and the Province of B.C.
* Integrating and aligning the sales and marketing efforts of the Victoria Conference Centre with DGV, leading to significant business improvement.
* Establishing the Greater Victoria Sport Tourism Commission to maximize sport tourism opportunities.
* Co-founding the IMPACT Sustainability Travel and Tourism Conference.
* Becoming a climate positive organization and achieving Biosphere sustainability certification for Greater Victoria.
* Aligning DGV business and sustainability goals with local community values and achieving 97 per cent community support for tourism.
* Navigating the COVID-19 pandemic as a leaner, more flexible and financially viable organization driving superior results.
* Recovering Greater Victoria's visitor economy to beyond pre-pandemic levels in less than one year from reopening.
* Evolving DGV into a global leader in sustainable tourism practices and winning Destination International's Destination Organization Award for Global Impact.
Paul's 28 years of tourism management and leadership experience includes holding leadership positions with the Canadian Tourism Commission, Rocky Mountaineer Rail Tours, Mount Seymour Resorts and Tourism Vancouver. He serves on the board of the Destinations International Foundation and previously served on the board of the Tourism Industry Association of Canada as the Advocacy Committee Chair.