Living the Lexicon Interview Series: Visit Frederick


Our Advocacy team has been rolling out what we call the ideology of destination organizations, where we advocate for CVBs/destination organizations to work on becoming a community shared value, and the New Tourism Lexicon. Jack Johnson presented our strategy on becoming a community shared value to all of our 2019 Annual Convention attendees during a keynote session in July. 

Support of destination organizations is for the benefit and well-being of every person in a community. It is a common good, a public good. It is an essential community investment to develop opportunities and build quality of life to benefit the people of a destination. In order for destination organizations to tactfully talk about themselves using the new ideology, we created the New Tourism Lexicon. To get a little more fundamental knowledge of the Destination Organization Ideology and the New Tourism Lexicon, please visit our Advocacy Library. 

All destination organizations are essential investments to communities and serve as a public good. As we continue to work with destination organizations on the new destination organization ideology, we have been inspired to find creative ways destination organizations are finding creative ways to be a public good in the communities they serve. Our first interview in our new "Living the Lexicon" interview series is with John Fieseler, Executive Director of Visit Frederick. Click here to learn more about how Visit Frederick is working with its community. 

If your destination organization is working with your community and showing that your CVB is a public good, we would love to hear from you. Please email us at [email protected].