Destination organizations are called upon in this next normal era to elevate their work to be seen as a valued investment in their communities. A common good that our society deems necessary to help advance our communities’ well-being. Defined as such, a community shared value, which connects supporting common goods as a greater good. Examples of such common goods are understanding to keep us healthy we need clean water, to be educated we need teachers, and to feel safe we need first responders. Destination promotion must similarly stand amongst these other common goods as a necessity for one’s own community to thrive and compete on attention at the world stage.
Each of these common goods stands behind a series of metrics or indicators that help inform the community of not only its purpose, but also how well the common good performed and how it benefited the community. Subsequently, indicators can help develop an index of understanding and value between the investment of these common goods and their performance. To be understood in the community, it is critical to identify clear and powerful community-facing measurements to highlight how a common good is filling the community need and contributing to the community’s well-being. While these measurements, known as “community indicators,” are different from most current industry measurements that we use, they are critical to being seen as a community shared value.
Download A Destination Promotion Community Index Industry Brief