Maintaining Your Brand in a Politically Charged Environment

Episode 17

Today’s conversation and guest is intended to be a peak behind the curtains of managing the destination’s brand through extremely polarizing times. I’ve mentioned at lengths at which the world has begun to spin, it seems in more illogical ways and an outcome of that resulting in issues and policies entering the zeitgeist of our communities in a polarizing fashion.

The job at a destination organization was already tough because of the pandemic and many other complications from 2020 but how do you push through with your brand and promotion against political or social issues that feel like they divide the nation?

Navigating such a destination requires a wearer of many hats and hearing how he sets up the chess pieces. Please welcome to the show, Domenic Bravo, CEO of Visit Cheyenne Wyoming.

Andreas Weissenborn

Vice President of Research and Advocacy
Destinations International

Introduced to the world of destination organizations by a random internship application to Visit Baltimore (then known as Baltimore Area Convention & Visitors Association), Andreas Weissenborn began an unexpected career into hospitality that left him with a continued passion towards the tourism industry.

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Domenic Bravo, CDME, CTA, CPM

CEO of Visit Cheyenne Wyoming

Domenic Bravo’s passion for the tourism industry and visitor engagement has been consistent throughout his nontraditional career path to his current position as the CEO of Visit Cheyenne. Domenic had a successful 20+ year career working in state park systems across the West, including 11 years as the state park administrator for Wyoming State Parks. He also spent a semester working as a professor at the University of Wyoming in the new Outdoor Recreation and Tourism Management degree program, which he helped create.

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About the Architects of Destination Advocacy

The Architects of Destination Advocacy Podcast is a part of the Destination Marketing Podcast Network. It is hosted by Andreas Weissenborn and Jack Johnson and produced by the team at Relic. 

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