CFO by design
CFO by design (CFObd) is focused on developing organizational excellence in destination organizations. In CFO by design's world, that means that the numbers are just the beginning. Their work is designed to align resources to the key objectives of the organization, provide strategic counsel, and enhance processes and outcomes.
CFO by design is a specialized, nimble firm focused on bringing the best talent to their engagements through collaborative, aligned partnerships targeted to ensure that you have best counsel available.
Their team has over 45 years of combined experience working with and in destination marketing organizations. CFO by design speaks your language and understand your industry and your needs.
CFO by design is also the team behind RISE (Report on Inclusive Spending Efforts): an interactive, data driven tool to advance and measure your DEI initiatives through a simple, yet comprehensive, survey to understand how your spending supports diverse vendors and to understand the diversity of your partners so that you can more effectively promote and sell them.