Meetings Module
The Meetings Module provides localized metrics on the value of events to make the case for the ongoing development of the meetings sector.
Three event types are available:

Business Meeting
An event where the primary activity of the participants is to attend educational sessions, participate in discussions, social functions, or attend other organized events. There is no exhibit component.

A gathering of delegates, representatives, and members of a membership or industry organization convened for a common purpose. Common features include educational sessions, committee meetings, social functions, and meetings to conduct the governance business of the organization.

Trade Show
An exhibition of products and/or services held for members of a common or related industry. Not open to the general public.
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Ready to sign on for the industry standard of calculating the economic impact of your events? Destination organizations that are members of Destinations International are invited to license one or multiple calculator modules at an annual rate determined by the organization's annual operating budget.
Why Use the Event Impact Calculator?
"We use the direct visitor spend numbers that come out of the EIC on a very regular basis. Clients request it to understand the full impact of their groups, we report it out to our community in various media outlets and we provide the data to our stakeholders to help paint the full picture of our organization's impact."
Market Analyst
Experience Columbus