DestinationNEXT Workshops

DestinationNEXT workshops are designed to assist destination organizations in bringing stakeholders together around a common vision. Because of the way the workshops are structured to assess the destination versus the destination organization, the bureaus are just one civic entity that can go through the self-assessment process. Everyone else from hotels to convention centers and sports stadiums, hotel/restaurant associations, city councils, community groups, philanthropic organizations and economic development agencies can also participate.

DestinationNEXT workshops are already being implemented by destination organizations, tourism ministries and convention bureaus around the globe to develop strategic plans, business plans and tourism master plans. A half-day or full-day workshop with a Board of Directors, community group, customer advisory board, members or other stakeholders can be organized through Destinations International. Each workshop agenda will be tailored to the unique needs of the destination. Generally, a workshop may include:

  1. DestinationNEXT presentation 
  2. Completion of the online diagnostic tool by everyone in attendance 
  3. Real-time presentation of the results 
  4. Facilitated discussion on the results

Workshops typically run from 2.5 to 3 hours long and can be delivered virtually (or in-person when possible). Please call or email Cheryll Girard to book your DestinationNEXT Workshop at or +1-778-233-9316.


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