European Stewardship Council

The European Stewardship Council is a volunteer-driven group shaping Destinations International’s agenda in Europe. Focused on cohesion, content, and community impact, the Council drives membership growth, fosters thought leadership and advances sustainable tourism strategies. The Council aims to strengthen regional collaboration, elevate industry knowledge, and help to position DI as the go-to resource for European destination organizations. Through leadership and action, the Council will help define the importance of our industry throughout Europe.

2025 European Stewardship Council

•    Adrien Genier, CEO, Geneva Tourism & Convention Foundation
•    Daniela Kolesa, Director of Destination Management, Vienna Tourist Board
•    Johan Menso, CEO, Malmö Convention Bureau
•    Spyridon Kagkas, Digital & Community Manager, Develop Athens 
•    Paul Mockler, Head of Commercial Development, Fāilte Ireland
•    Rosa Bada, Director of Tourism, Barcelona Turisme
•    Yrjötapio "YT" Kivisaari, CEO, Visit Oulu (Chair)