How to Calculate CE Credits

Recertification credits are calculated based on the following guidelines

  • You may earn any number of credits per year, earn all your credits in one year, or over the course of four years.
  • One (1) recertification credit is equivalent to 50 minutes (including question and answer sessions) of instruction in an eligible topic area.
  • Credits earned are to be reported in whole numbers and are never rounded up.
  • Only qualified education activities in approved topics should be reported.
  • An activity should be listed exactly as the title appears on the printed materials for the event.
  • You do not need to forward documentation supporting your attendance or participation to Destinations International when filing your recertification credits, but you must maintain those records for two years in the event of an audit.

Example: a one-day seminar that runs from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm, and includes a one-hour lunch and two fifteen-minute breaks.

  • There are a total of 480 minutes in the day,
  • Subtract 60 minutes for lunch and 30 minutes for breaks,
  • So there a total of 390 minutes of instruction.
  • One recertification credit is earned for every 50 minutes of instruction.
  • 390 minutes divided by 50 equals 7.8.
  • This seminar earned 7 credits (no rounding up).

Certificants evaluate their own recertification activities and determine the appropriate number of recertification credits based on the information outlined above. Destinations International does not review and approve recertification activities for certificants.


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