Trending: The Latest Research on Culture and Workplace Engagement

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Trending: The Latest Research on Culture and Workplace Engagement
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Discover where destination team members are feeling the most and least engaged around their organization's culture with data-back research from Fired Up! Culture sharing the latest trends for the destination's community. 

As workforce development and organizational workplace culture become strategic mainstays for destination leadership, there is much to learn about the ins and outs of cultivating work environments that foster highly engaged, motivated, committed teams. 

What we do know is that thriving, healthy organizational cultures drive impactful outcomes for the communities and stakeholders they serve.

In late February, Fired Up! Culture released its latest annual industry report, The 2025 Culture & Workplace Engagement in Destinations Report. This report is the summation of data collected from nearly 1,000 destination organization team members regarding how engaged (or disengaged) they are feeling around key cultural value statements within the destinations they are employed.   

In an industry where workforce development and workplace culture play a critical role in attracting and retaining talent, understanding where team members feel the most and least engaged can be the difference between a destination that thrives, and one that grows stagnant.

The latest trends indicate that team members within destinations are experiencing varying levels of engagement based on the cultures they find themselves in. 

Here’s the latest, backed by 2024 research, sharing where destination team members are feeling the most and least engaged in their organizations: 

Where are Destination Team Members Feeling Most Engaged in Their Organizations?

Key data indicated two core areas where engagement is alive and well:

Relationships with Coworkers

For the third consecutive year, our data highlight the strength of coworking relationships as the area where destination organization team members feel the most engaged. 

Our research shows that team members feel a strong commitment to doing quality work and effectively partnering with those around them to fuel their destination's purpose and mission. Coworking relationships are alive and well for many in the industry and are a key contributor to team member happiness and satisfaction.

“It’s easy to assume success comes from hiring the best people, but the real magic happens when those people know how to work together. Our team is talented, yes – but more importantly, we’re aligned,” shares Emily Zertuche, Chief Marketing Officer for Visit Corpus Christi. Adding, “From cross-departmental brainstorming sessions to strategic planning that includes every level of our organization, we ensure no one is working in isolation. That’s what makes us effective, and it's how we continue to grow and push boundaries in this industry.”  

Cultivating an environment that prioritizes and strengthens collaborative relationships is essential to advancing a destination’s mission. The strength of relationships between coworkers plays a vital role in the success and performance of high-achieving teams. 

Investing in the right people and fostering productive working relationships remains crucial for high-functioning destination organizations. 

Delivering Value to Destination Stakeholders

There’s always an interesting question to ask destination team members about the stakeholders their organization serves. The list is long and sometimes, unclear. 

What isn’t unclear is how destination team members are feeling about the value they are delivering to stakeholders. For the second consecutive year, key cultural value statements positioned about delivering stakeholder value came back as major points of positive engagement for respondents. 

And while findings do not reflect stakeholder sentiment about the value they receive, they do indicate that destination team members feel pride and confidence in the work they are delivering.

Finding connection points between the people being positively impacted and the day-to-day work is a real culture-builder that destination leadership can leverage.

A strong belief in the value of daily work is essential for fostering engagement, motivation, and buy-in. Leaders who clearly define excellence, highlight the impact of their team’s efforts, and celebrate meaningful achievements will instill pride and reinforce confidence in the value being created for stakeholders.

Where are Destination Team Members Feeling Least Engaged in Their Organizations?

Key data indicated two core areas where disengagement among team members is high:

Career Development Opportunities

Destination team members are feeling the least engaged around the development opportunities available to them in their roles and organizations. For the third year in a row, key cultural value statements around career development ranked the worst across all surveyed data points.   

On the importance of cultivating opportunities for professional development, Zartuche added, “We make career growth here part of our culture. We check in, we talk about personal and professional goals, and we create real opportunities and growth plans – whether it's leadership tracks, expanding a role to fit evolving skills, or funding industry certifications. Our team at Visit Corpus Christi is young, ambitious, and ready to grow. It’s our job to make sure they can do it right here.”

A longstanding engagement challenge in tourism and destination marketing organizations is a real (and perceived) lack of opportunity for upward mobility. This finding was not only present in our latest research, but it is also a commonly voiced challenge from Destinations International’s 30 Under 30 classes.  

Meaningful investment in professional growth and development is key to equipping team members with the guidance and opportunities they need to thrive. When team members have a clear vision for their growth and feel inspired by the development opportunities within the organization, they are more likely to stay engaged, committed, and dedicated to their destination for the long term.

Cumbersome Systems and Processes 

Data reveals that many team members feel weighed down by internal systems and processes they see as inefficient and ineffective. 

In many cases, these obstacles prevent team members from maximizing their impact in their roles. Such frustrations can significantly impact engagement and buy-in, as ineffective systems and lack of support often lead to reduced productivity, increased stress, and diminished confidence in the organization’s ability to function effectively.

Zartuche shared, “Your systems either support your team or slow them down. There’s no in-between. At Visit Corpus Christi, we’ve made it a priority to develop a feedback loop so our team can flag inefficiencies and when they do, we actually act on it. We never accept ‘that’s the way it’s always been done.’ We listen, we audit what’s not working, and we fix it.”

Destinations that foster regular opportunities for team members to provide feedback on the systems and processes they use daily prompt opportunities to not only improve their way of working, but they also have the opportunity to mitigate frustration along the way. 

When challenges arise, ensure the organization responds promptly and consistently, driving continuous improvements. When change isn’t possible, clear communication why helps mitigate frustrations and keep the team aligned.

Deliver Impact Through Thoughtful Workforce Development and Organizational Culture

A strong, healthy, thriving organizational culture with an empowered workforce is the ultimate differentiator for destinations. 

For leaders striving to build high-performing teams capable of fulfilling their destination’s mission, people and culture should serve as the foundation for excellence.

However, a thriving culture doesn’t emerge by chance or overnight. Creating an environment that fosters high performance requires intentionality, focus, and dedicated effort.

The most impactful destinations across North America are led by empowered leaders who prioritize and champion organizational culture. Yet, driving meaningful progress in culture and workplace engagement still demands greater focus and execution, areas that have yet to become second nature at the executive level. We hope these trends help point destination leadership in the right direction as they guide their organizations every day. 

Chad Kearns

Vice President & Lead Practitioner
Fired Up! Culture

Chad Kearns is a Vice President & Lead Practitioner at Fired Up! Culture. Chad partners with destination executives across North America to successfully work through powerful change management processes to create healthy, high-performance organizations. Areas of expertise include culture change, organizational values development, performance management philosophy and practice, operational efficiencies and enhancement programs, executive coaching, leadership development and succession planning. 

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