A Strategic Inflection Point for Our Industry

A Strategic Inflection Point for Our Industry

by: Jack Johnson, Destinations International

We are at a time of significant change in our industry. We are at a strategic inflection point. A point in time in the life of our organizations when the fundamentals are changing. And that change can mean an opportunity for a destination organization to rise to new heights.  But it may just as likely signal the beginning of an organization’s decline.

A year ago, we laid out a direction to become a shared value in your community. To develop a resident focus.  To view them as your ultimate customers - and to expand your mission to position your destination to compete and not just put heads in beds.

Our members have responded and have made changes. But the time to move gradually and deliberately is gone. Now it is time to recognize that the next normal will not be the same as the last. And the change in our fundamentals that have been changing for decades are rapidly speeding up.

Tomorrow will not look the same as yesterday.  Not even close.

At this month’s Advocacy Summit, we will hear from over 40 leaders in our industry - each reflecting on their experience in our sector and sharing their thoughts on how your organization can adapt in this crisis and thrive in the next normal. I hope you can join us at the virtual summit, share your insights on how we - as an industry - respond to this strategic inflection point.

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