Expanding Social Presence with a Small Team: 6 tips for DMOs

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<span>Expanding Social Presence with a Small Team: 6 tips for DMOs</span>
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In today’s digital world, an active social media presence is crucial for destination marketing. Despite numerous platforms, small teams can still make a significant impact by using effective strategies to promote their destination. 

In today’s digital world, maintaining an active presence on social media is crucial for destination marketing organizations (DMOs). However, with the ever-growing number of social media platforms, it can be hard for a small team to effectively expand their social media presence. But with the right strategies, even a small team can make a significant impact in promoting their destination. In this blog, we’ll share some key tips and tricks for DMOs to expand their social media presence without spreading themselves too thin.

Choose the Right Platforms

It’s tempting to have a presence on every social media platform, from Facebook and Instagram to Pinterest and YouTube Shorts. However, it's essential to focus on platforms where your target audience is most active. By taking a more focused approach, you are more likely to yield better results. Compare your marketing initiatives and campaign goals with demographic and user engagement insights available within each social media service to help narrow your focus and channel energy into platforms that will drive results.

Create a Content Calendar

Consistency is key on any social platform. Develop a content calendar to ensure consistent posts across all platforms. Incorporate blogs, videos, and visuals into your content calendar and aim to plan at least two months in advance. Andrew Felts, Manager, Corporate Communications at Brand USA, shared how consistency drove remarkable audience growth for Brand USA’s corporate social/communications efforts:

“Consistency drives success. At Brand USA, we've harnessed the power of repurposing content across our various corporate channels, from social to web to newsletters, ensuring our message reaches audiences far and wide. By delivering top-notch content consistently, we've experienced a remarkable 40% year-over-year increase in audience growth across our social platforms. It's not just about creating great content; it's about delivering it consistently, building a strong connection with our audience that keeps them engaged.”

Repurpose Content

Repurposing content is a great way to make the most of your resources. For example, Discover Monroe-West Monroe repurposes blog content into engaging reels for Instagram. Don’t waste time trying to come up with new ideas for each platform; instead, repurpose content to fit each platform's specific audience and format.

Utilize User Generated Content

User Generated Content (UGC) is a great way to find authentic and relatable content for your destination. The best way to gather this content is by encouraging visitors to use a specific hashtag when posting. Platforms like Crowdriff can help manage UGC effectively, but if that is not in your budget, just remember to always ask permission and give proper credit when reposting content. 

Encourage Employee Advocacy

Your team should be your biggest advocates! Encourage team members from all departments to contribute to your social media efforts. Explore Houma values employee advocacy for its ability to bring a human touch to their brand and amplify their reach with genuine voices:

"At Explore Houma, employee advocacy is valued because it brings a human touch to our brand and amplifies our reach with the most genuine voices - our team! It's one thing for Explore Houma to push out content, but when our team members share that content on their social media platforms because we genuinely love it, that makes it all the more rewarding!" - Nicole Davis, Explore Houma Social Media & Digital Content Manager.

Consider taking a proactive approach by sharing links to the latest posts, high performing content and other social media coverage via organization-wide meetings, newsletters or other touch points to encourage sharing with extreme ease. Tip: You can also alert employees about new LinkedIn posts on the company account through the post options once shared!

Leverage Local Events

Take advantage of local events, festivals, and attractions to create relevant content that resonates with your audience. From behind-the-scenes videos to exclusive offers, showcasing local events is a great way to engage with your audience. Many destinations have started a “Things to do in x month” blog. For Discover Monroe-West Monroe, these blogs have become a top piece of content on their website. 

Expanding a destination’s social media presence with a small team can be challenging, but with the right strategies and tools in place, it's possible. Remember, it's not about the size of your team, but the quality and consistency of the content you put out!

About the Author

Abby Tingle

Social Media & Website Manager, Discover Monroe-West Monroe

Abby Tingle, TMP is a passionate hometown advocate, currently serving as the Social Media & Website Manager at Discover Monroe-West Monroe, where she transforms ideas into realities. A Certified Travel Marketing Professional (TMP) and Louisiana Tourism Leadership Academy Graduate, Abby consistently finds ways to utilize her skills. From her early role as the Public Relations & Media Coordinator at DIscover Monroe-West Monroe to the Content Manager at Visit Mobile, Abby has honed in her skills in destination marketing and content creation. 

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