Ryan George

Chief Executive Officer

Ryan George is a Tucson native and graduate of the Eller College of Management at the University of Arizona.  In 2001 he co-founded simpleview, drawing his dual degree in Accounting and Management Information Systems as well as five years of professional experience as a governmental auditor and IT Director at a regional accounting firm.  

Under his leadership, Simpleview has grown from a small software developer to the leading provider of technology sales and marketing solutions for DMOs, serving clients in 400 cities throughout globally and employing 180 software engineers and interactive marketing professionals. Ryan speaks to business schools and professional organizations worldwide as an expert in travel and tourism, technology and entrepreneurship.

As a founder and Simpleview’s Chief Executive Officer, Ryan George’s leadership has guided the company for more than a decade, helping it to become a foremost provider of technology-based solutions for destination marketing organizations. Ryan’s previous experience as the Director of Information Technology at a leading accounting firm in Tucson and his passion for technology keep him involved with the creation, development and marketing of our products and services. He regularly speaks at business schools and professional organizations worldwide as an expert on tourism, technology and entrepreneurship. Ryan received his Bachelor’s degrees in Accounting and Management Information Systems from the University of Arizona’s Eller College of Management.

Ryan George has held one job in his time at Simpleview — a responsibility he took on when he and his three partners founded the company in February 2001. As CEO, he oversees the company’s strategy, direction, growth and operations and works to build industry knowledge and leadership in employees throughout the company.

Ryan is a frequent speaker at travel and tourism events and serves on the board of directors for the Destinations International Board of Trustees and the Tucson Conquistadores, a philanthropy group supporting athletics and leadership programs for at risk youth.
