Monica Smith, CMP, CASE, CDME
Monica Smith serves as the President and CEO of Southeast Tourism Society (STS) and has over 26 years of experience in the hospitality and tourism industry. Prior to joining the staff of STS, she served on its Board of Directors while she was the Vice President of Sales and Services for Visit Jacksonville (FL), and as the President & CEO of Visit Macon (GA). Her other destination sales and marketing experience includes positions with the Pasadena CVB (CA), Visit Newport Beach (CA) and Destination Cleveland (OH).
Monica is a graduate of Cornell University's School of Hotel Administration and was involved for many years in the university's CAAAN alumni admissions outreach. She has a passion for developing the next generation of tourism leaders and educating communities on the importance of tourism as an economic and community development strategy.
Monica currently serves on the following boards and committees:
• Destinations International Board & Executive Committee
• U. S. Travel & Tourism Advisory Board (Department of Commerce)
• National Society of Minorities in Hospitality Legacy Fund - Advisory Board Member
• Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta – Travel & Tourism Advisory Council
• Middle Tennessee State University, Tourism & Hospitality Management Advisory Board
• Roswell Economic Development & Tourism Board & Executive Committee