Beth Erickson, CDME

President & CEO, Visit Loudoun

Since 2014, Beth Erickson has been the President & CEO of Visit Loudoun, Loudoun County’s officially designated Destination Marketing Organization. Loudoun County is the top generator of visitor spending in the Commonwealth of Virginia.

Prior to joining Visit Loudoun, Beth was Vice President of the Journey Through Hallowed Ground Partnership (JTHG)—a nonprofit organization dedicated to raising awareness of the 180-mile swath of land between Gettysburg, PA and Thomas Jefferson’s Monticello. The JTHG was recognized by Congress as a National Heritage Area in 2008. As the Director of the JTHG National Heritage Area, she was responsible for the management of the Heritage Area through the U. S. Department of Interior.

Beth received her CDME in 2016 and joined the Destinations International’s Board of Directors in 2020. She served two terms as the Professional Development chair prior to joining the Finance Committee in 2023. Beth also serves on the US Travel Board of Directors. At the state level, Beth is the immediate past chair of the Virginia Restaurant, Lodging, Travel, and Hospitality Association and is a past chair of the Northern Virginia Visitors Consortium. At home in Loudoun County, Beth served on the Comprehensive Plan Stakeholder Committee and currently serves on the Loudoun Chamber Board of Directors, Loudoun Economic Development Advisory Commission, and the Loudoun Rural Economic Development Council.

Beth was honored by George Washington University in 2017 with its inaugural Dr. Don Hawkins Tourism Innovation Award. She has also been honored by the Corporation for National and Community Service, the Virginia Department of Education, and the President’s Advisory Council on Historic Preservation.

A resident of Loudoun County since 1987, Beth and her husband raised three children in Waterford before moving to Leesburg, Virginia, in 2022.