Staying Top of Mind in the Lowest of Times: How Destination Organizations Are Engaging Planners To Keep Their Destinations On the Radar

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<span>Staying Top of Mind in the Lowest of Times: How Destination Organizations Are Engaging Planners To Keep Their Destinations On the Radar</span>

By Mya Surrency, Digital Edge

Let’s Think to Ourselves: What a Wonderful World

During these times (you may have heard the words unprecedented, challenging and unpredictable quite a bit by now), destination organizations have completely shifted the way they present their destinations for meetings and events—from changing their meetings marketing approach and strategy to getting creative with recovery-focused campaigns, video assets and existing promotional tools to curating new messaging that sparks planner and attendee confidence. It’s hard work and optimism at their finest.

Destination Organizations, Evaluate Your Resources—and Don’t Panic

Although this seems easier said than done, destination organizations must capitalize on resources they already have, adapt to a new mindset for marketing meetings in their destination and think outside the box for ways to stay top of mind in a digitally-focused climate. With a little bit of creativity and strategy, check out how the destination organizations below kept their meeting destinations on planners’ radar during the lowest of travel times.

Promotional Videos & Virtual FAM Tours for the Win

Interest in meetings-focused videos and virtual FAM tours—both hosting one or participating in one—has grown higher than ever before. They give planners a glimpse into what they and their attendees could experience during the “looking before booking” process. Destination organizations must continue to think outside the box to engage their audience. They can do so by conceptualizing and curating resourceful and promotional videos, hosting virtual FAM tours to illustrate a real feel for their cities, and/or providing knowledge and insights of the industry by streaming webinars—all for the greater good of bringing meetings and events back to destinations.

They Did It, So Can You

The teams over at Visit Park City, Visit Rapid City and Explore Branson all recognized an industry need (planner engagement), worked with the assets and resources their meeting destinations already had (wide-open spaces, outdoor venues) and capitalized (with major success). With a little help from their meetings marketing partners, all three were able to showcase their expansive outdoor opportunities, open-air event venue options, messaging of support and confidence in the new standards of health and safety each one has implemented—not only for locals but for future attendees.

Recovery Campaign Strategies With Stratospheric Success

Did 2020 even count if your destination organization didn’t have some kind of recovery campaign strategy for marketing your destination? (Hint: No.) While many destination organizations took the route to recovery, some made sure they did it right. Take Boise, Idaho’s case study—where their destination organization partnered with their convention center team for a recovery campaign to get back out there for business. Working with Digital Edge’s expertise and services to develop a two-part strategy, Boise CVB retained a goal for this phased recovery approach: utilize a digital campaign to drive local interest while simultaneously running a national (and traditional) lead generation-focused meetings campaign.

Multi-Phased Approach to Meetings Marketing

The keys for a destination to come out of this stronger than before are all about collaboration, innovation and timing. Multiple destination organizations have utilized their partnerships with digital marketing agencies to collaborate on multi-phased approaches for getting back to business during and post-COVID-19. They’ve innovated their methods of how they brand their destinations for meetings in 2021 and beyond and created impactful content with relevance to both our current and future time when meetings and events resume in full swing.

Little Changes Can Make a Big Impact

No meeting destination is the same, so why should a destination’s meetings marketing be? By creating a multi-phased and tailored approach, destination organizations can keep planners engaged while driving interest with their meetings recovery strategies, funding requests, strategic presentations and tactical marketing plans—and maintain proactivity with industry-focused resources and support.

For more information on how your destination can stay top of mind for planners or if you need help with your destination organization's meetings marketing recovery efforts, don’t hesitate to reach out to Digital Edge!

About the Author

Mya Surrency headshot
Mya Surrency


Digital Edge Marketing

Digital Edge is an agency focused on working with CVBs with a specialty in meetings marketing. Mya utilizes her 10+ years of CVB experience create cutting edge meetings marketing techniques from her work with San Francisco Travel, Atlanta Convention & Visitors Bureau and Visit Park City (among others). Mya has led the agency to be honored as Inc. Magazine’s 5000 Fastest Growing Companies in America in 2019 and made the Jacksonville Business Journal’s list of 50 Fastest Growing Companies three years in a row.