Community Shared Value

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Community Shared Value

Community Shared Value

Becoming a community asset focusing on residents as your customers

We can no longer count on blind government support; we can no longer solely rely on ROI statistics and we can no longer rely on visitation numbers to be the measure of our success. As our elected officials, the media and our communities are asking for transparency and taking a closer look at our budgets and operations, it is our job to make sure we are prepared to answer any questions by staying vigilant and proactive. We must realize that our local residents are our ultimate customers and make our efforts a shared value in our community and our teams a community asset.

Community Benefit Funding Model

Through a new community benefit funding model, Destinations International believes that a destination organization is a community asset responsible for programs promoting a community as an attractive travel destination by enhancing its public image as a dynamic place to live and work. Under this model everyone benefits.


If They Value You, They Will Fund You

We are in what we call the Great Interruption. Normalcy has been upended and serious rebuilding will need to take place - rebuilding of confidence and of structure.

Finding Our Cornerstone

Learn why destination organizations must focus on their residents and change the way they talk about themselves in order to survive and grow.

Catalyst for Community Vitality Industry Brief

Defining the 21st Century Destination Organization through its purpose, mission and impacts.