
Virtual Event
December 15-17, 2020 | 1:00 PM - 4:30 PM ET
This year's reimagined CEO Summit will take attendees through a transformational journey as they join forces with thought leaders and innovative thinkers who believe in collaborative inspiration and growth. Attendees should expect an all new experience, as well as increased engagement and authentic conversations with peers during curated networking experiences.
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The virtual platform is now open for all registered attendees of the 2020 CEO Summit.
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Innovative Virtual Experiences

Mark Jeffries
CEO Summit Moderator and Chief Content Navigator
Mark is a former stockbroker turned author and keynote speaker and will engage attendees in thought provoking and critical conversations.
CEO Summit Moderator and Chief Content Navigator
Mark is a former stockbroker turned author and keynote speaker and will engage attendees in thought provoking and critical conversations.

Mike Walsh
Mike is the founder and CEO of Tomorrow, a global consultancy that focuses on designing companies for the 21st century. He advises leaders on how to thrive in the current era of disruptive technological change.
Mike is the founder and CEO of Tomorrow, a global consultancy that focuses on designing companies for the 21st century. He advises leaders on how to thrive in the current era of disruptive technological change.

Heather McGowan
An internationally recognized speaker, writer and adviser, Heather helps prepare leaders to effectively react to rapid and disruptive changes in education, work and society.
An internationally recognized speaker, writer and adviser, Heather helps prepare leaders to effectively react to rapid and disruptive changes in education, work and society.
Virtual Agenda: December 15
Schedule subject to change.
Opening Keynote: Designing Your Business for the 21st Century
1:00 PM - 2:05 PM ET
Most companies are simply not designed to survive. They become successful on the basis of one big idea or breakthrough product, says CEO Mike Walsh of Tomorrow, a global consultancy that helps design 21st century businesses. "The companies that will thrive in the near future are the ones not only embracing change but breaking the rules." Companies built to survive the future are no accident. They are a result of deliberate business design decisions smart leaders are making today. In his ongoing research on the worldâs most innovative companies, Mike has organized these decisions into seven strategic priorities - that he will explore with audiences as a roadmap for their own reinvention. In this keynote, Walsh will outline the megatrends shaping the future of business and consumer behavior, and the lessons learned from successful Fortune 500 companies on leveraging disruptive innovation, adopting a data-driven mindset and leading change through digital transformation.
Mike Walsh
Founder & CEO

Founder & CEO
Breakout Discussions & Report Out
2:15 PM - 3:20 PM ET
Join us for small-group discussions addressing the leadership needs of the future destination organization. All breakout groups will be facilitated and will report out critical insights from the main stage to share ideas with the entire audience.
Based upon Mike's discussion of completely rethinking your business in 2021, and given the situation over the past 8 months, what rules have you "broken" in order to start reinventing yourself, your team and your destination?
Based upon Mike's discussion of completely rethinking your business in 2021, and given the situation over the past 8 months, what rules have you "broken" in order to start reinventing yourself, your team and your destination?
Leading Through a Crisis
3:20 PM - 3:55 PM ET
Over his more than 30-year career, Brand USA President & CEO, Chris Thompson, has gained unique leadership perspective by navigating a multitude of crises. Hear how that experience is influencing his current strategic decisions and how the pandemic is reshaping his outlook on leadership.
Chris Thompson
President & CEO
Brand USA

President & CEO
Brand USA
Reflecting on the Good of 2020
4:05 PM - 4:15 PM ET
Join us for an insightful discussion with David Burgess, CEO of Miles Partnership as he reflects on how 2020 is helping us to think differently about 2021.
David Burgess
President & CEO
Miles Partnership

President & CEO
Miles Partnership
Transformational Leadership in Action
4:15 PM - 4:50 PM ET
When the situation is uncertain, human instinct and basic management training can cause leaders - out of fear of taking the wrong steps and unnecessarily making people anxious - to delay action and to downplay the threat until the situation becomes clearer. During this session we will hear from leaders who sprung into action quickly and decisively, meeting with their partners, elected officials and other constituents, to do their part in mitigating the effects of the pandemic on their community, their residents and their economic situation.
Melvin Tennant, Meet Minneapolis
Jeff Miller, Travel Portland
Kitty Ratcliffe, Explore St. Louis
Melvin Tennant, Meet Minneapolis
Jeff Miller, Travel Portland
Kitty Ratcliffe, Explore St. Louis
Virtual Agenda: December 16
Schedule subject to change.
The Brains of Influence
1:00 PM - 1:25 PM ET
Mark Jeffries presents some fascinating ideas and insightful advice on how to influence all those around you. The Brains of Influence represents six keys to influencing different people throughout every aspect of your business. Engaging and entertaining this promises to be a truly valuable 20 minutes, the lessons from which you will be able to use on an ongoing basis.
Mark Jeffries
Event Moderator & Chief Content Navigator

Event Moderator & Chief Content Navigator
What's Next for Simpleview?
1:25 PM - 1:40 PM ET
Join us for this deep dive into Simpleview, an industry leader in the tourism space. Simpleview CEO, Ryan George, will share his insights on how the organization has adapted during the pandemic, and the many innovative solutions they've created to help destinations navigate the challenges and opportunities presented by COVID-19. Plus, you'll learn about Simpleview's plans for next year, including some highly anticipated updates to MINT+.
Ryan George

Breakout Discussions & Report Out
1:40 PM - 2:40 PM ET
Join us for small-group discussions addressing the leadership needs of the future destination organization. All breakout groups will be facilitated and will report out critical insights from the main stage to share ideas with the entire audience.
As we roll into the next normal as leaders, what qualities and skills, both soft and hard, do you feel are necessary to be a leader in 2021?
As we roll into the next normal as leaders, what qualities and skills, both soft and hard, do you feel are necessary to be a leader in 2021?
The Elephant in the Room
2:50 PM - 3:20 PM ET
We know it will be critical for destination organizations leaders to embrace the role that equity, diversity and inclusion will play in moving our industry forward, especially at a time when our industry must face one of the most challenging moments in modern history - recovery from the devastating impact of COVID-19 on the travel industry. Simultaneously, there is a racial awakening for some people and communities in the U.S. that will significantly impact the travel industry. Join us for a conversation about why it is critical, now more than ever, to drive growth in diverse leadership representation at the executive and board levels, and why our industry must solidify their commitment to implement EDI best practices to strengthen leadership accountability.
Tonya Ladipo
Founder & CEO
Ladipo Group

Founder & CEO
Ladipo Group
Breakout Discussions & Report Out
3:20 PM - 4:30 PM ET
Join us for small-group discussions addressing the leadership needs of the future destination organization. All breakout groups will be facilitated and will report out critical insights from the main stage to share ideas with the entire audience.
As leaders, how do we move the elephant out of the room? At the end of the day, your priorities are driven by your board. How do we move the needle on board diversity when your board makeup is driven by external factors and stakeholders?
As leaders, how do we move the elephant out of the room? At the end of the day, your priorities are driven by your board. How do we move the needle on board diversity when your board makeup is driven by external factors and stakeholders?
Virtual Agenda: December 17
Schedule subject to change.
Adaptation Advantage: Leading in a Post Pandemic World
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM ET
When Heather McGowan and Chris Shipley wrote The Adaptation Advantage, they did not realize how prescient their advice and predictions would become when the coronavirus global pandemic required an immediate and dramatic shift in work, learning, and leading. Predictions they made for the next three to five years instead occurred over three to five weeks following publication. Overnight, companies remapped supply chains, pivoted product lines, and transformed to work-from-home organizations. Companies that navigated this new uncertain landscape relied on creativity in serving their customers safely, and transparency in their communications. This new normal, or normal of now, requires a focus on culture, purpose, trust, and psychological safety as we embark on the largest social experiment in human history. The virus has accelerated our future of work, expedited our human transformation to digital creating, and placed an even greater burden on leaders to inspire and motivate human potential. Even when the virus subsides, many of the new ways in which we work and live will remain, and we may just be the better for this forced transformation.
Heather McGowan
Future of Work Strategist

Future of Work Strategist
Destinations International Foundation Update
2:00 PM - 2:10 PM ET
Looking Ahead: What Will Leadership Look Like in 2021
2:20 PM - 3:20 PM ET
In the face of our new reality, many leaders are asking themselves hard questions that shed light on their biggest challenges to help form a plan for 2021 and beyond. Join us as industry leaders share their strategies to focus on adjusting long term plans while continuing to adhere to the mission, vision and purpose of their organization, create a team that can thrive in the midst of critical change, and ensure that they are leading with commitment, transparency and flexibility.
Gretchen Hall
President & CEO
Little Rock CVB
Julie Coker
President & CEO
San Diego Tourism Authority
Santiago Corrada
President & CEO
Visit Tampa Bay

President & CEO
Little Rock CVB

President & CEO
San Diego Tourism Authority

President & CEO
Visit Tampa Bay
A View From the Top
3:20 PM - 3:40 PM ET
Join us for this candid discussion with Butch Spyridon, CEO of the Nashville Convention and Visitors Corporation and Chair of Destinations International's board of directors, as he takes a quick look back, shares his thoughts on moving forward into 2021 and beyond, and whatâs next for our industry.
Butch Spyridon
President & CEO
Nashville CVC

President & CEO
Nashville CVC
Closing Wrap-Up
3:40 PM - 4:00 PM ET
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Registration for CEO Summit is exclusive to members of Destinations International.