2019 30 Under 30 Application


Thank you for your interest in the 30 Under 30 program! To be considered for this year, nominees must submit this application with CEO approval by Friday, March 22, 2019 at 5:00 PM EDT. For questions, please email program coordinators Caitlyn Blizzard (cblizzard@destinationsinternational.org) or David Breisch (dbreisch@destinationsinternational.org).

Application Requirements for 2019

  • Candidates must have a birthdate of March 23, 1989 or later.
  • Must presently work for a destination organization, convention and visitors bureau (CVB) or tourism board that is a member of Destinations International.
  • Must have been continuously employed with the organization since September 22, 2017 or earlier (internships may be included).
  • Submissions must include completed application, resume, short bio, headshot and video (see below). 
  • Only one individual from an organization will be chosen if multiple applicants from the same organization are nominated.

Video Guidelines

Video submission must be self-produced using a candidate’s own devices - this basically means, we aren't looking for professionally produced videos! Candidates are encouraged to be creative and make their video submission fun and entertaining. Videos produced by an outside marketing agency will not be accepted.

Videos must be 90 seconds or less. Candidates should introduce themselves, and answer any two of the following questions:

  • What influenced you to join the travel and tourism industry?
  • What is your proudest accomplishment to this day?
  • As a future destination leader, what area(s) do you deem necessary for future success in this competitive marketplace?

Please upload your video to YouTube, set the privacy setting to "Unlisted" and provide the link in the form below.

30u30: 2019 Application



For assistance or more information, please contact:

Mary Bramley

Senior Manager of Foundation Development
+1 202-835-4215